Saturday, July 16, 2011

Overwhelmed By The Things Of This World

First off I would like to say an "I am sorry" for not updating you on my blog while I was in Africa. I tried but the computer wouldn't allow it - don't ask me why, it just didn't. Ha ha.
Secondly I would like to say a huge "Thank you" for all of your prayers and support before and during this trip. They were a total blessing.

This blog might sound like it came out of a book called Cheesy 101 but there is really no other way for me to say this...

We have it  so good here in America - yet we still complain and we still need the next best thing to come out..     We have windows with glass, floors with carpet, we have toilets, showers, and sinks, all in one room we call the 'bathroom', we have computers in our houses, TVs, cell phones,  and air conditioning. We have clean running water that we can get basically anywhere we go. You really don't know how much we have that we take for granted.  We have malls where we can go in and just try on clothes, decide if we like them or not and buy them. We don't have to make our own clothes or go to someone else to make them, all we have to do is get in a car and grab our wallet out. We have tons and tons of different kinds of shoes that we have the option to buy - yet we still want something better or more in style or maybe something more comfortable.  We have closets with lots of clothes in, dressers with more clothes - yet we still think we need more.  We have fridges and ovens, stoves and microwaves - yet we still think we need the newest technology and the newest look. We have it so good here in America...

Now let's talk a bit about the kids in Africa.
The kids that I saw- most of them didn't have shoes and if they did they would be old and falling apart, they might not even fit their feet. The clothes they would wear would have holes in them and they would be covered in dust - the clothes might even be too big or too small. Boys might have to wear girls clothing or the girls might have to wear boys clothing but that's what they would wear and they would just be thankful that they had clothes on their backs.
Some kids couldn't go to school because their parents couldn't pay for it. 
Some kids were orphans who didn't have a house to live in or some might just stay with friends or maybe a relative. 
Some kids can't get medical care that they need cause they can't afford it or the hospital or clinic aren't really educated on different sicknesses so they just suffer all the time.
I don't know what those kids would do if they came here to America. When they see all of our houses and stores, hospitals and a restaurant - what would they say or think. Would they pass out? I know I probably would! 

It is just so overwhelming on how much we truly do take everything for granted. 

I am so thankful that God gave me the chance to go to Africa. It was so life changing. It really changed the way I look at things now.  
I know that my team and I got to bring some joy, happiness, and love into the people of Africa but the people of Africa brought joy, happiness, and love into our lives.