Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Power of Prayer

This week for me has been very testing. Not really concerning the trip that is coming up in 29 days but about the power of prayer. My Grandpa is hospitalized and had to have one of his legs amputated, and on top of that- having to have a heart cath a week later. In both of these situations my family and I were not sure if he would make it through alive. All we could do was pray. Well, in my life I have learned a lot about prayer and how powerful it really is. But when someone's life that you care a lot about is on the line, it is very easy for fear to take the upper hand and your faith can start to waiver. But let me tell you something. I wanted no part of that and did not let it overcome me! And it is such a faith builder when you see God answering your prayers (in the way that you had hoped)!
Through this time I have SEEN with my very eyes the power of prayer. How then, concerning my trip, can I question if everything I need will come together? How then, can I get trapped in my fear and not trust God for my safety? *waiting for your response* That is just what I was thinking! I can't! I can't think those things if I am confessing my trust and faith in Christ. Yes, we are humans but we should not let that become our excuse. We need to strive to become more and more like Christ... and as far as I know, He didn't worry about what the next minute would bring because He knew His Father and trusted in Him with all of His heart, mind, and soul. Can you please turn on your imagination for just a second and think how freeing and good you would feel if you didn't worry or get caught up in your fear?!?!?! How much more willing you would be to do those things that God is asking of you right now, if fear was not a problem because you were placing all of your trust in Him?
That is my goal- to be fearless of acting out my faith and doing those things that God is asking me to do. Knowing that no matter what the outcome, God is still for me and no matter what other people think about me, He will always love me.


  1. Just the other day, I read that the word believe (in Greek) means: to put one's faith in; to trust.

    The author wrote: Without trust in the good news of Jesus, without trust in the good news of God's saving work even in this moment, without an active, moment-by-moment trust in an all-soverign, all-good God, how can we claim to fully believe? This is the trust I lack: to know that if disaster strikes, He carries me even there. If I don't emotionally believe, practically believe, in the goodness of God, am I a believer? Don't the saved have to trust the Savior? For yes, salvation from sins, but this too: salvation from fear.

    I'm ashamed to admit that fear is one of my biggest struggles. I worry about EVERYTHING..and it's stifling and limiting (and also absolutely no fun). But I -similar to you- am looking at what God has done so far, how He has come through in the past. And, when I focus on those things instead of the next upcoming thing I'm worried about, the fear starts to diminish.

    I absolutely loved this post, Courtney! Thank you for the reminder that I really don't need to fear, only trust.. And I'm also so glad your grandpa is doing better! :)

    I will be praying for you, that your trust in Christ would grow as your faith grows, and that fear would become less and less. Excited to see you in 29 days!


    P.S. sorry for the long rant.. I really won't talk this much when we meet in person, promise :)

  2. 1.) I loved this
    2.) You and your family are still in my prayers
    3.) I'm SO happy to hear he's doing better
    4.) Keep us updated :)
