Saturday, June 16, 2012

One Year Ago...

Dear imaginary people I imagine are reading this, 
It has been one year today since I stepped onto a plane to start my journey to Africa.  There are days it almost feels as if I was there just yesterday and then there are days my trip feels like a dream.  Like a wonderful God-inspiered dream.

As I look back I can see how beautifully God had worked everything together;  He was so incredibly faithful.  (What else could I have expected?)  He worked everything out.  From the very beginning He had it all planned out.  He placed together a team whose stories would intertwine and a team that was ready to do God's work in Uganda.  And believe it or not,  God used us in very mighty ways!  He decided to use a team of mess-ups  (we all are,  aren't we?)  for His glory.  What a marvelous God He is for letting us be apart of his mighty plan.

I think of my trip day and night.  It is hardly ever out of my mind.  I pray one day that God will let me go back to the place that stole my heart, but until that day I will tell of his wondrous works.  I will give all the glory to Him and Him alone.  I will follow His plans for my life,  wherever they might take me,  and I will not rest until He calls me home with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post :) And I stalk your blog and will always stalk your blog. So don't stop posting, my sweet friend.
