Saturday, October 11, 2014



So much of me longs to travel. Enjoying the here and now, experiencing life at its fullest, seising today and living fearlessly. How great it would be to be emerged in different cultures! And what a joy it would be to view the workmanship of creation made by an all-powerful Creator. Glorifying Him in all of the nations! I desire to experience life outside of the known. I yearn to physically, mentally, and spiritually come to the end of myself, having no one to turn to expect Him. I aspire to learn more about the person He has created me to be, and to explore the vastness of who He is. I long for an adventure with the One who saved me from myself.


What is a year compared to a lifetime, and a lifetime to eternity? If not now, then when? I don’t want to live a safe, easy, comfortable life. I want to live radically… Differently. I want to make a difference in the lives around me. To be an unlikely vessel used for His purposes.
I long to be courageous and fearless while following the One I love into the unknown. Following where my faith is without borders.

...but what about school? This is the struggle. I certainly don’t want to throw an education down the drain--and that certainly isn’t my intent. I would have full intentions of getting back into school because I see the usefulness of it; the blessing it can be turned into, and the sheer privilege it is. I get it. But sometimes I think we forget that God is more concerned with us and our inward self than with our accomplishments. And once I'm done with school, it's not like life is going to slow down. I will most likely have student loans, and one shouldn't be heading overseas with that looming over one's head. It's not wise. I will have to get a "big girl" job to pay off those wonderful student loans. I might have a family. Life will be unrelenting. On the other hand: why not get school done with? Just get over myself, buckle down, and grit my teeth through it. That would surely be an adventure of its own--and God can surely use me in school. I can live just as radically and fearlessly no matter where I am. The place doesn't change the person, it just changes their vantage point. Ideally, I don't think either choice is wrong. They both make sense. So I have to get beyond this. I have to surrender my desires and trust Him to lead me. I don't want to go somewhere He is not prompting me to go, I also don't want to stay if He is asking me to go. Ultimately, it's not about me; it's about Him. They're His plans, and it's His glory.


Lord, I'm ready to go on an adventure with you... but I'm horrible with maps, so I will hand that over to you. Take the lead; I'll follow.

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