Saturday, January 9, 2016

For Your Good

If you would have told me a few years ago that I would actually go through with starting college, and that I would get accepted into the honors program and become a 4.0 student, I would have laughed very hard (yet respectively) in your face.

If you would have told me four years ago that I would willingly choose a career that required numerous--let me say that again: NUMEROUS--years of college education, I would have nervously laughed (with a hope that you were absolutely crazy), paired with a remark of, "Dear goodness, let's hope not!"

Needless to say, sometimes we are led places we long to be nowhere close to. Sometimes we are led places we picture ourselves drowning in a pit of sinking sand. But I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that in all of these occasions we are led to these places for our betterment, and with our very utmost in mind. (Ps 84:11, Is 30:18, Lam 3:25) 

At this point, I've got to ground my heart. Sometimes when I think of my betterment I think of things that would truly make me "happy," or relationships that would truly make me "satisfied." But in all honesty, none of these things have anything to do with the type of good that is being given to us. Yes, a 4.0 is good, but that is not the end all be all--and let me just tell you, to God be the glory for that!

“Christlikeness is God’s goal for all who trust in Christ, and that should be our goal also.” (Jerry Bridges) Our betterment is not external, but internal. (2 Cor 3:18, Rom 8:29)

Stay the course. It may be long. It may be hard. There might be soul crippling shadows. There might be grouchy, coffee-lacking people surrounding you, but take heart, for you travel not alone. There is One who is walking with you. One who will never leave your side when the going gets tough, nor desert you when you’re a complete basket case. He is faithful, loyal, and a lover of the very depths of your soul. He wants you to have peace and assurance through the hard days. He wants you to be filled with joy and patience that can be tested through fire. He wants you to be an emulator of the very One that was given to you.

As He places me in situations I would never have asked to be placed, I find Him growing fruits of His glory. However, growth requires pruning, pruning means it's going to get a bit uncomfortable, and uncomfortable means we're probably not going to like it. God, in His infinite wisdom and love, will ask us to get uncomfortable and step out onto the waves, for that is where His perfecting grace abounds.

May we fall madly in love with Jesus. May He become the purpose of our life. May we get to that point in our relationship with Christ where circumstances fall to the wayside, knowing whatever comes our way, we can say with hands stretched out to the sky in worship: It Is Well With My Soul.

***I found this post saved under my drafts tonight. It was written a few months ago, but I never published it. Crazy how God works. Such a good reminder for me as this new year begins.***

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